

Life doesn’t always quite go to plan….At 37 years old, I discovered this a good few years ago when I realised that starting a family would not be as easy as I was led to believe having suffered 4 terrible miscarriages. However after a 5 year journey, in June 2018 I had a beautiful baby girl we called Skylar Rose and unbelievably 2 years later another baby girl Molly Jane. You can read my journey to motherhood here

During my fertility journey, I suffered from terrible anxiety and my mental well-being truly suffered and I think the whole experience has changed me to who I am today. I have learnt so much about myself and there are so many things out there which have helped me which is why I was inspired to start this blog. I want to share my experiences and hopefully help people along the way.

One thing I have learnt which has helped me tremendously is mindfulness and meditation which I was introduced to 5 years ago. I would go as far to say it has transformed my life. It has made me appreciate life so much more, even if things aren’t going quite as smoothly as you planned.


I live in Buckinghamshire with my husband (James) our cat Lara (sadly our other cat Marble disappeared this year), our little dog called Noodle and our 2 little girls Skylar and Molly.

My day job (when not on maternity leave) involves working for well known Confectionery Brand which often fills our cupboards, much to James’ despair.

We moved out of London nearly 10 years ago so we could see some fields, greenery, pursue our love for the outdoors and of course get a dog who loves to explore the Chiltern Countryside.

My favourite place in the whole world is the Lake District and one day we hope to have a house there.


If you are into living in the present moment, then this blog could be for you. Or, if you have been struggling with life’s woes then this could also be for you. I share some of my techniques and ways in which I have found the ability to be more present but also how I have dealt with adversity. I also share travel spots and a few insightful moments into my motherhood along the way.

If you have just stumbled across this blog and have no clue what I am on about, then maybe start with this piece I wrote on Mindfulness, to give you an idea.

The Joys of Now is dedicated to my mum and dad who I admire so much. My dad sadly passed away in January 2018, after battling with many illnesses. He had Parkinson’s disease for over 26 years but continued to fight and live a normal life as much as possible. My dad started the idea “the joys of”, so this blog is also continuing his legacy.

Living through some of my experiences so far has made me appreciate The Now even more as I realise you have to capture every moment before it is too late.

My philosophy is to try and find Joy in the moment you are in, no matter what.


“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become”

C.G. Jung

To follow my journey of finding Joy in the Present Moment you can find me on Instagram – see below